The unshared, unpublished and the unspoken.

A few days ago, I was going through the drive where I saved all my articles, and I noticed that I had up to 100 unpublished pieces in the drive. I was intentional enough to go through at least 50 articles to understand why I have not published them. As I read through them, one thing became apparent; I did not publish them because I was very critical of them, and I wanted them to pass through the test of time and thoughts before making them public. I did not publish some of them because I was not sure of the reaction the messages therein would cause, and for some, I feel it is not yet time to say such things as I need to evolve more into a higher place of mastery before I say such things.After going through these amazing unpublished contents, my consolation is that whether they make it out of the drive or not, they are my go-to content for my reflection, correction, and reminder of what I stand for. They give me strength, and I believe that not all intellectual gifts are meant for the public; some are specifically for you to keep.I know many creative people can relate to my situation above. I once listened to an interview by a famous American singer where he stated that despite over a thousand songs he has released, he had another thousand unreleased. To every creative mind out there, I want to encourage you that it is okay to have unreleased songs, unpublished articles, undeveloped ideas, unpublished books etc. Don't be under any pressure to release them if you don't feel like it yet; they are sometimes given to you alone for instruction, reflection and a compass for remembering why you do what you do. That unpreached message may be for you, that unpublished book may be for you alone. God is giving you the things to bless the world and the ones to bless yourself alone. It is only the blessed that can be a blessing.Cheers to all the unsaid, unpublished and unshared.He gives understanding to the simple.Oluwaseun David ADEPOJU


Pieces of advice and projection of insecurities.


"You can do no wrong in my eyes" is not loyalty