"You can do no wrong in my eyes" is not loyalty

From the first day I read, someone wrote in solidarity of someone they loved, " you can do no wrong in my eyes" I knew I would continually have issues with such love. I don't want to be surrounded by people who love me to the point where they can no longer tell me I am wrong when I am. Love does not mean "overlooking" your wrongs. People overlook an element of love these days, which is " saying the truth" to the one they love. I see people defend decadence with their full chest because the person in the wrong can never do wrong in their eyes. It is not about your eyes; it is about the good of the person who needs your candid correction.I went somewhere in 2017 to speak. I had in the car with me a friend. A commercial bike man scratched my car at the back on our way to the event venue. I asked him if he was blind not to see that a car was in front of him in my anger. I had finished saying the statement before I saw the woman at the back of the bike. She looked sick, and she was resting her head on the shoulder of the bikeman. I figured the woman was not balanced on the bike, the reason why the bikeman came to hit me in the traffic. My conscience pricked me suddenly, and I apologized to the bike man who was calm all through.As we departed the scene, I kept whipping myself within for lashing out in the first place. I was repenting when the friend in the car asked me why I apologized to the bike man. He went on to say I was right for asking him if he was blind. I scolded him, and I told him I was wrong, and I was glad I apologized. He responded by saying, " you did nothing wrong, bro". I kept mute until we got back from the event, and I had to school him on the "you can do no wrong in my eyes" type of love.A summary of this;- If none of the people you call friends can't sit you down and talk sense into you each time you are wrong, review your circle of friends.- The people always telling you that you cannot do wrong in their eyes are probably there because of something they are getting from you. Recheck it.- You can do no wrong kind of love is a dangerous love that can lead you astray.- "You can do no wrong" love is the reason we have many "confident fools" and "unashamedly arrogant larger than life" people in society.- "You can do no wrong" is not loyalty; it is "intentional wickedness."He gives understanding to the simpleOluwaseun David ADEPOJU


The unshared, unpublished and the unspoken.


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