The Creative Police

For every creative person out there, a creative police come to hunt each time they are about to put out a new body of work, a new project, or a new idea, no matter how successful they have become with their crafts. This police would ask if what they are about to do is politically correct; does it make sense; is it religiously unbiased; is it societally acceptable; is it gender unbiased; is it morally sound; is it the right time to put this out, and so on. This is the reason why there are many unreleased songs, unpublished articles, and unexplored ideas.What I have discovered about this police is that it is not a completely bad police. It does its work of putting us in check. The problem comes when we allow this police to cripple us with fear or make us go into unnecessary analysis paralysis. This police will never allow us re-invent ourselves and challenge the status quo if care is not taken because it always wants us to play safe and be loved and accepted by our immediate society. This police want us to be without criticism.I shared an article two days ago, but many people did not know that I wrote that article over a year ago but kept it in my drive. It is the article with the most feedback in my writing journey so far. My inbox is filled with people testifying how it has changed them. I decided to "publish it afraid", overcoming my impostor syndrome.As long as we can answer some of the questions from this police, we do the remaining afraid. We just do it. We do it in hope. We do it trusting that we are changing the world with our talents.This is my creative muse, and I hope other creatives can relate to this thought.Have a good day.Oluwaseun David ADEPOJU


Historical Obituary: In remembrance of a decade-plus death of history in Nigerian school curriculums


It is not my money; it is the investor's money.