It is not my money; it is the investor's money.

I had a sit down with one of my friends whose startup company recently raised a huge sum of money in their series A. I learnt so much from his journey, but he also shared with me many pain points.He narrated how some of his friends started reaching out to him with soft loan requests after the press release announcing the money raised by his company. He said one of them even went to the extent of asking him to buy him a car for business, and he will be returning the money gradually.I was so surprised by this story. It’s a sign that many people don’t understand the difference between investors money from jackpot money. It’s also a sign that many don’t understand the difference between an individual having money and a company raising funds for expansion. Maybe we should do a masterclass for people on the difference between raising funds and profit-making.Did I remember to tell you that many societies have invited my friend as a chief launcher, chairperson and chief donor of many youth events between the time his company raised the money and now?.Entrepreneurs should beware. Some people don’t mind sending you back to square one as long as you are foolishly generous with investors money.He gives understanding to the simple.Oluwaseun David ADEPOJU


The Creative Police


Will more African "old monies" invest in tech-startups