Self Label Expertise: bearing the title but not doing the work

I recently had the very rare privilege to sit down with Africa's father of the Internet in an interview for our ongoing research project on Blockchain and the summary of the conversation for me is that the people that will change the world are those who, despite the height of their knowledge and accomplishments are still humble enough to know that there is still so much unknown and are humble enough to keep learning and evolving.The above contrasts with many young people who have not mastered anything but are brandishing themselves as experts. With no shades intended, I have had a lot of conversations with many young professionals who are very loud online about their expertise, especially in some modern technologies. Still, their ignorance is palpable even from afar. I once told a story of a young man whose LinkedIn profile reads, " Technology Expert". He posted on one of his social media pages during the 5G conspiracy theories trend in 2020, and I quote, " if they bring 5G to Nigeria, we will destroy it". The sentence was confusing, so I inboxed him to ask what he meant by that statement. To my utter shock, he replied, " We are okay with android and IOS; 5G kills people". I have not returned to that chat to date even though I had published many contents that can help him, and I ensured he is in copy.I am afraid that the current internet economy creates more "talkers" than "doers". The most remarkable transformations in history never came from talkers and branded experts but people who shut out the noise of distraction and the desire of clout to build and execute something phenomenal that generations can benefit from.Am I saying you should not tell people what you do and project yourself to the world?. Capital NO. Knowing your onion before you dash to the market is all I am saying. In my experience, the people doing the work and changing the world in their fields don't fight for the title of "expert" online; they are just doers with results. "Expert" is what people call you when you have done the work and shown results. It is not necessarily what you call yourself. If you must call yourself an expert, be ready to show us the work and the result.He gives understanding to the simple.Oluwaseun David ADEPOJU


The Gossip Economy: Riding on Social Media Illiteracy


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