Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions

You have avoided like the plague, everyone that will tell you the truth because you don't like criticism. The problem is that you will also lose those who could give you objective feedback while avoiding criticism. You want to be right 24/7, and your opinion must be the best in all situations. Anyone who differs from you in anything is a threat.Now you have surrounded yourself with people that will only sing your praise, give you kudos all the time and call you the greatest of all time. You don't want friends; you only want praise singers.You feel threatened by anyone who is not buying into your elevated illusion because you don't like the sound of feedback.A recent study showed that 80 per cent of people who pulled out of PhD programs were people who don't like feedback and critiquing. Also, a more significant percentage of people who resign their jobs to become self-employed are not doing it because they have any business in mind, but they don't like feedback from managers. Such people eventually carry their arrogant self-illusion into starting their own business, ultimately ruining their character.They have forgotten that it takes more discipline and character to run their own companies.The next time you feel like avoiding someone or quitting a process, ask yourself whether you are doing it because it was toxic or you don't like feedback and truth. Not enjoying feedback is like stopping a university degree program because you don't want a teacher to mark you wrong in an examination. Feedback is the breakfast of champions. That is how people become better and bigger.He gives understanding to the simple.Oluwaseun David ADEPOJU


Self Label Expertise: bearing the title but not doing the work
