As a young secondary school leaver, I failed the two final examinations that I wrote. I had no other choice than to retake the exams. I remember vividly that on the day before the first paper of my retake exam, my aunt prayed for me before I left the house and the prayer was, HISTORY WILL NOT REPEAT ITSELF IN YOUR LIFE". As a young chap who desired to be in the university in no distant time, my amen to that prayer was as loud as a sudden tyre burst. My aunt meant well. She would not want the history of failures to be repeated in my life. She wanted me to pass all my papers in that one more round.A few years later, as I grew older with a more analytical mind, I discovered that some specific histories must be repeated if we must have a balanced understanding of seasons and times. Some histories were made in the past but did not fulfil the purpose of happening, and they must happen again in the present time that we may appreciate them better. So, can I be a historical evangelist and pray that long-forgotten histories that would change the world should come and repeat themselves?.Let us visit some history;When we narrate McDonald's restaurants' history today, the account will not be complete without our ink touching on Ray Kroc, a man who first brought the idea of the franchise to the McDonalds brothers in the early '50s. History has it that when he first got the idea to the business owners, they were not comfortable. Still, he persisted until he was granted the right under a memorandum of understanding in 1955. That man duplicated McDonald's restaurant in more than 20 locations in the United States in the space of 5 years, and he eventually became the CEO of that company. When RAY Kroc started, we never knew he was reshaping the future of marketing and drawing a model of future business solutions. That history is repeating itself today in international business management. May this history repeat itself over and over our days.Barely 2000 years ago, Pigeons were used in the old Roman Empire and some other parts of the ancient world for information exchange and communications. Pigeons are known to be homely birds, so they are 99percent likely to come back with a response to a message sent through them to any destination. In the 21st century, when electronic mails and modern telephony has taken over the information communication scene, we may never give a throwback to the foundation of the ideas that culminated into the new media we see today. We all send paper mails to other countries and we want it to get to the destination in 2 days, we are no longer giving the mails to flying birds but flying aeroplanes. The difference now is the message's size, but flying in the air is involved in both the old and the new. Thanks to Pigeons for charting the course of modern exchange of messages.A few months ago, I was typing on my Ipad during a church service, and suddenly, a flash of my nursery school days sparked through my mind when we used slates/wooden tablets to write. I was amazed at how the world goes round and come around at the same time. I then wondered why the new technology companies named our portable devices TABLETS—the same name and shape with the tablets we had always used but modernized electronics and electrical power. From tablets to tablets, the world moved. We transformed into a modern tablet with electronic ink and pen from a wooden tablet with charcoal ink.What are lessons that can be drawn from those mentioned above?What goes around, comes around.We all have a past that brings about our present.What is has been and what is it will be.The future is now, not some imaginative years ahead.Every single second in time is a throwback to the future.Oluwaseun David ADEPOJU


