I once belonged to a community group online. The group had evolved, and new generation and sets are being added to the group every year. My set in that group was years ago.I made an exit from the group immediately we onboarded the set next to mine. The notifications and the things they discussed in the group were no longer my responsibility, and they were doing their thing. I, however, had another colleague who did not exit the group after the remaining members of our set had exited.This colleague continued to speak and meddle in the affairs of the current set. He would always tell them not to do things the way they plan to do it. He would give commands in the quest to provide advice. He would provide unsolicited opinions and sometimes cause some unrest in the group. He held on to this past so much to the point of disrespect.All these while, the current set would come to me for advice and other members of our set. We guide them in our capacity and provide support when they solicit for it. However, our colleague, who stayed in the group, was eventually banned by the current set, and he was reported to the alumni body.The lessons from this;1. Once you finish paying your dues, move on.2. Don't disrespect yourself by holding on to a past that no longer needs you.3. Welcome has an expiry, be conscious of welcome o'clock.4. When you overstay your welcome, you will be disrespected.He gives understanding to the simple.Oluwaseun David ADEPOJU




Lessons from the Mud: Email Compilation