I used to have a friend who had a roommate he had issues with. Each time I visited this friend of mine, I engaged in conversations with his roommate, but he always had problems with it. His roommate, in my opinion, was a cool guy with a lot of knowledge on Africa. I asked my friend why he does not like me, speaking to his roommate; he listed a thousand and one reasons why the guy is a bad person.
I was not convinced with his standpoint about his roommate, and I decided to move closer to the roommate, of course, outside the room. He is a fantastic person, and all the knowledge of African history that I know today was inspired by this guy. We got talking one day, and I asked him why he does not flow well with my friend who was his roommate, he smiled, and he said, (quote in paraphrase);
"I was late for class one morning, and the water in the hall was not running so I quickly used the water he had in his bucket since he had left for class before me. I used the water with the hope to quickly come back and re-fill the bucket for him, but I was delayed in the department till late in the evening. He picked this big fight with me when I returned to the room. I was deeply sorry, and I apologized. I quickly got the water for him. I asked the other roommates to even beg him for me. I noticed that when I greeted him the following morning, he didn't answer. I greeted him throughout the semester, and he never responded. I had to let him be after a while".
On hearing this, I called my friend to confirm the story, he confirmed it to be accurate, and I had to scold him for being the one that was too dramatic. We all make mistakes, and the guy apologized and also asked the other roommates to apologize on his behalf.
A few weeks after our graduation, I Invited both of them for an evening hangout at an eatery in front of the university without the knowledge of each other. They both showed up and were surprised to meet each other. I brought the issue up, and they settled. My friend apologised to his roommate, who is now also my good friend for being a hard-headed human for a whole semester. Both of them are reading this story here right now, and we laughed about this story two days ago.
The moral of the story;
1. Don't inherit an enemy you have not had the chance to experience their enmity.
2. Every enemy has a friend, and every friend has an enemy.
3. Your close friend's enemy can be your blessing, so see for yourself first.
4. Rather than inherit an enemy of your friend, try to make peace by investigating the balanced story.
He gives understanding to the simple.
Oluwaseun David ADEPOJU