Certificates on the shelf but the Certified on the Field
Two years ago, a professional organization approached me about doing some technology knowledge work for them. I had the call with a team of five top professors from various technology fields. I was surprised that none of them inquired about my educational qualifications or certificates. They only mentioned my work that they had seen and how they wanted me to do something similar for them.
Then it occurred to me that there is a stage in life where all of the awards and certificates you have been attaching your importance to will vanish and you will begin to love the simplicity and fulfillment of impactful living.
There is a time when your educational qualifications will take center stage in your introduction, and another time when what you have done and the impacts you have made will take center stage.
Then there comes another season in which your name alone will unlock what you represent. When you get to this stage where your name alone represents something great without having to explain anything, you must have truly lived.
Allow yourself to evolve - from certificates, to your impactful work and then your name.
He gives understanding to the simple