This-agreement in disagreeement
The ability to freely express our respect for someone, despite our disagreements with some of their opinions or philosophies, is a common indicator of maturity. As we make our way through life, we learn that perfection is only a myth. We learn to value the relationships we have with friends and coworkers despite our differences, understanding that having different opinions about certain issues does not make them any less valuable.
The important thing is that we recognise and value the core of who they are, finding common ground while also appreciating our differences. It's important not to write people off quickly just because our opinions don't align in certain areas. Rather, we ought to make an effort to promote an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding amongst people.
We frequently come across individuals in life with whom we may not agree on every point of view. But the true test of maturity is our capacity to uphold respect for one another in the face of diversity, acknowledging the shared experiences that unite us as well as the distinct viewpoints that enhance our exchanges.
He gives understanding to the simple.