Dear misfit,I am sure you just closed that computer again after writing down things you intended to publish, but that instinct told you again that you are weird and that your thoughts are crazy.I am sure it still pains you that they shut you up at a public presentation last year where your ultra intellectual lens processed a situation differently from the way others processed it.I know that it pains you each time something happens and you knew you saw it four years ago, but even the only person you shared it with called you weird as always.When some are seeing Egypt as home and some others seeing Jordan as the final destination, you cannot but carry in your heart the promised land. Where others are shouting "let us share it now", all that you can see is "posterity". You are the odd one out.You came from the future, and your thoughts are moonshot. You had always tried to make people understand you and your thought process, but you have decided to keep mute since your new name is "weird". You are the road not taken and the food not eaten. You are the drum not beaten the voice not harkened.May I let you know that some of the most extraordinary leaders, innovators and inventors today have been called weird at some points in time?. I don't need to mention names here because you are in their numbers and the world will surely experience your "weirdness" soon.The phone and the computer you are using to read this letter is as a result of some people's weirdness.Congratulations. Its the season for the strange.Yours in Supernatural ManifestationsOluwaseun David ADEPOJU


Oluwaseun ADEPOJU's list of 10 young people to look out for in 2021
