Reputational Dividends
Recently, something really interesting has been happening to me. When I meet someone new and we begin relating, I soon notice that they know someone I already know. The scary aspect is that the new person I had just met would have had a chat with the person we both knew before I realized they knew each other, and they would have had chats about my character before I find out.Even while I had not received any unfavorable comment from these mutual friends, it made me question my own character. What if I had previously maltreated these individuals?. Surprisingly, this topic is not even about doing anything terrible to someone in Nigeria so that people in American are unaware. Today, as the globe has gotten more interconnected, your bad attitude spreads like margarine.It's odd that we don't realize we are so socially interconnected until our names are mentioned in the most unexpected places. The "insignificant" person we stepped on seven years ago may become significant to our professional trajectory seven years later. Even though they do not make the ultimate decision in our lives, their opinions about us may still matter in the future. In the short term, doing good may feel tough and burdensome, but it has long-term advantages. Short-term wrongdoing may feel smooth and satisfying, but the long-term consequences may be unpleasant.Obviously, some people will never like us no matter how kind we are, but we must aim to treat others properly in our words, deeds, and actions.He gives understanding to the simpleOluwaseun David ADEPOJU