I visited a car dealership a few months ago with a friend. As the tour guide took us around the different parts of the space, I sighted a very lovely BMW SUV. It looked sharp and muscular, and the paint job was beautiful. I quickly walked towards the car to have a good look. I suddenly discovered that the tour guide did not share the same excitement for seeing the car.I asked him if the vehicle has some issues, and my guess was correct. The car had been in flood, which affected the engine and the car's electrical system. He said they had tried to fix the vehicle, but the efforts have not produced any great outcome, so it is literarily useless. My excitement dropped, and despite my first attraction to the beautiful look of the car, my discovery of issues with the vehicle wiped my overall excitement away. Imagine how my excitement could have gone up if the engine was good I had the opportunity to start the engine and rev it to hear the great sound?.This experience reminded me of the following lessons;1. You can attract people with your external beauty, but it takes your content to keep them.2. As you invest in your looks, ensure to also invest in your brain and your mind.3. As you buy cosmetics for your body, also ensure to buy knowledge for your mind.4. External beauty can get you an invitation to the table, but your internal content keeps you at the table.5. A well-written CV can get an interview, but your content is what gets you the job.6. It is okay to have body goals, but it is much more important to have life goals.He gives understanding to the simpleOluwaseun David ADEPOJU


