I have had to engage the idea of traditions, norms and culture recently. I reminisced on the traditions I grew up to know and how they have evolved and how others have changed completely.The example that readily comes to mind was when I asked my grandmother why people must get married on Saturdays in Nigeria. I was ten years old. My grandmother responded, "that is how it has been from time immemorial, and it may not change". Several years after asking this question, I can see that people get married on any day of the week they like. Interestingly, who would have thought that people will get married in an empty church auditorium that only has the couples and the priests and people will have to watch the service online?. 2020 showed us that pandemic weddings are possible either at 7 am on a Monday or 2 pm on Thursday, conjugal knots are being established. What changed?. Was my grandmother wrong?. Who would have thought that toilet papers will become highly sought after gold in 2020?. Is change rebellious?. This is by the way. Let me go into my thoughts on digital monarchy and predict some future possibilities.What we grew up to know in Africa is that traditional kings take the job as a full-time role where they live and rule their communities from a physical palace. However, my mind took a moonshot screenshot of the future this morning while meditating. In the last ten years, we have seen the coronations of traditional kings who are well-educated professionals such as bankers, professors and Medical doctors answering their ancestors' calls to become kings. These professionals, more often than not resign their professional jobs to sit on the ancestral thrones. I took a subordination trip into such king's mind this morning to see if any of them would have loved to continue working as bankers and lawyers and still rule their different kingdoms at the same time. What if the monarchy is no longer a choice between the throne and the professional career?. What if with the aid of some collaborative technologies, I can be a medical doctor during the day and a king in the night?. What if I can be a remote king, leading my ancestral kingdom via digital infrastructures?. What if we convince the gods to go digital and allow the cabinet chiefs to check-in every morning on slack and the king, seated somewhere in Belgium does his monthly briefing on zoom with the cabinet chiefs while maintaining his career life?.Many may call this crazy, but this is what my mind chose to produce this morning. I will like to read from you about what you think.Oluwaseun David ADEPOJUPhoto: My picture wearing an Ancient Rwandan Traditional King Accessories.




Oluwaseun ADEPOJU's list of 10 young people to look out for in 2021